Saturday, September 19, 2020

Change is coming ~ by Jennifer Laslie

Change is coming. Whether it’s through the cooler breeze, in the rustle of the leaves, or in the many Halloween decorations my husband has rolled his eyes at while I lovingly placed them in the shopping cart. I think we all need something different though, including my husband. He’ll thank me later.



With events being canceled and some restaurants only doing carry out, DIY seems to be the new black. We’ve locked down our houses, bought tons of homemade masks from Etsy (or made our own), and attempted things we normally wouldn’t do for fun. For those in my household, this includes ripping up the carpet to discover the original hardwood floors underneath and painting my office to give me a change of scenery.

Copyright © Jennifer Laslie

I’m big on people being open about their mental health. I think the majority of the country is under some level of depression and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. Don’t hide things. Talk to a friend or relative. Ask for help.

Most of my author friends have told me that they haven't been writing like they should, including me. Seriously. I talk to myself. I whisper, “I should be writing,” as I veg out on the couch after work and try to decompress from the day.

Copyright © Jennifer Laslie

But back to change. It’s always inevitable and it’s something I’ve desperately needed. My office now has a fresh coat of Meadow Phlox, which is a lovely shade of lavender, and my husband has also helped me rearrange everything for a new view. I can now see the Wasatch mountains from the comfort of my computer chair. At least when the smoke from California doesn’t clog the skies. 

I also have an overstuffed chair that I plop down in with my laptop to write, um, when I did write, but that’s going to change, too. There will be no more looking at coronavirus sites, no more wishing the book would write itself, and no more procrastinating by doing house projects instead of putting words on the page.

If you’ve read any of my books in the Unfortunate Spells series, the last book is going to get done sooner rather than later. Where Are My Solsticers should have been completed and published back in June, but I’m hoping I can get it finished, edited, and in your hands by December or January.

If you’re an author and you’re reading this, don’t be afraid to reach out to me. Maybe we can sprint in the mornings or evenings (I’m on MST). Maybe you just need someone to talk to who can relate. If you’re a reader, my FB messenger is open to you as well. Need a pick me up or maybe a word of encouragement? I’ve got that. I love helping lift others up, even if I seem to fail to do the same for myself.

Copyright © Jennifer Laslie


Listen to Jennifer Laslie's podcast episode here.

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