First and foremost, I want to take just a second to thank Kristine for inviting me to do a guest blog. I am honored and so stoked to be here with you all!
I always get nervous when asked to do a blog. I find myself freaking a bit about what I should blog about? Will it be something that the readers will be interested in?
Well, I have a pretty big author signing event coming up in September, and thought to myself as I begin to go completely crazy preparing for it – why not write about that!
One of the most exciting parts of being an author is the thrill of being able to go to a book signing and meet your readers. Old and new.
It can also be one of the most stressful as you prepare.
I love going to signings, but in a lot of ways it’s almost like trying your hand at being a fortune teller! Lol
How many books should I bring? (And if you’re flying to the signing – this is really a quandary!) What kind of swag will people like? How should I set up my table? What to wear? Etc. All of these things run wild through your head.
I’ve learned to be prepared, but I’ve also had to learn to take a breath and know that there is no set answer.
Yes, I worried that no one would come over to talk with me. Or that my table would be boring. I worried about it all. That was, until that first reader walked over and asked me what my books were about, saying that my covers caught her eye. That was pretty much all it took. I love my characters, and I love talking about them. It’s when they want to know about me that I get a bit flustered. I hate talking about myself. But, ask me about my main characters and I will ramble on and on!
I write romance, so falling in love over and over again with the characters I create is a huge bonus for me. I strive to write characters that people fall hopelessly in love with, and find themselves wanting to go out and have a drink with.
The life of an author can really be a solitary one for the most part. You squirrel yourself away from others in your little cubby as you weave your worlds, plotting and planning and making those characters that mean so much to you come alive.
But…I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love writing. It’s in my blood. It’s who I am.
As a little girl, I never wanted to be a princess. I wanted to be an author!
Well…that or a mermaid, but the whole mermaid thing never really panned out so…
Going to signings allows authors to hang with fellow authors, and talk with readers about the books they love, and perhaps meet some new readers as well who will fall in love their books.
Once you get over that initial fear of - will anyone come talk to me - it’s time to set up your table. Banners, books, baubles and bling!
Make your table welcoming. Hi-light your books, and have some fun swag to share.
Swag can be overwhelming. There are SO many creative people around you, and their talent isn’t merely confined to their writing. A lot of them are beyond crafty as hell!
This is where I stumble. Oh, who am I kidding??? I don’t just stumble…I fall flat on my face! I’m not crafty at all! In fact, when I attempt to do things, I end up with my fingers glued together and glitter all over the place.
Luckily there are amazing swag makers out there, and I am lucky enough to have a few author friends who are very good at it, and bonus…they live close to me, so we have swag Saturdays, and they keep me from doing too much damage!

The book world is an amazing world. Filled with the most fantastic people! Authors, readers, artists, bloggers and more. It’s a community of love and support, and I am so blessed to be a part of it.
I could go on and on, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome. As I said, I have a tendency to ramble a bit.
I just have once piece of advice to all the authors out there, new and seasoned, who have not yet done an author event…
Change that as soon as you can!
You have to do a signing! It’s like a shot of pure adrenaline straight to your heart! It’s a riot, and no matter if you have one book or fifty, you need to experience it.
And this definitely goes for readers as well!
As a reader, there is nothing in the world as thrilling as being in that room filled with all those talented, crazy people! It’s electric! It’s amazing. It’s like Christmas!
You get to meet the people behind the characters you’ve laughed with, sighed with, and probably cried with a time or two.
You get to pick their brains as you quite possibly discover new and exciting worlds to journey to!
So, don’t ever deny yourself that experience. You won’t regret it.
Thank you for spending some time with me. Never forget to enjoy the moment!
Kisses and pounce hugs!
Darlene Kuncytes
Listen to Darlene Kuncytes' podcast here.
OMG!! Thank you so much for having me, Kristine!! Love you to the moon and back!!! <3 <3
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing, electrical person. Your readers love you and it shows. I've seen you at signings. I've watched you grow more and more excited as you share your thoughts and plans for new stories yet to come. I highly recommend a stop at Darlene's table for anyone who needs to brighten their day!.